The Salem Fire Protection District covers approximately 125 square miles of Marion County, Illinois, including the City of Salem, protecting approximately 12,000 residents, businesses and industry. We protect about 13.5 miles of Interstate 57 from mile marker 109 at Illinois 161 to mile marker 122.5 at the Martin Road overpass. Additionally, the SFPD protects many square miles of agribusiness, agricultural activities and more than 16 square miles of oilfield. The SFPD provides fire suppression, rescue, auto extrication and hazardous materials mitigation.

The Salem Fire Protection District has named Andrew Dice as Fireman of the Year for 2024.

Dice was selected by fellow firefighters for the honor.  He was surprised by the award at the Fireman’s Annual Ball at the Salem Elks on Saturday, December 15th.

We have a great group of guys.  I learn from them.  Nothing that I have learned has come from me, I learned it all from the great group of guys we have, what they taught me, and their experience.  I love all you guys.  Thank you.

Dice has been in the fire department for four and a half years.  This is the second time he has won Fireman of the Year.  Dice joined the fire department at the age of 18 after completing the high school fire academy.

The award was announced by Salem Fire Protection District Board of Trustees President Mike Squibb who noted this was an honor of recognition for work completed.

Fire Chief Jim Cerny commended Dice’s work in the department.

Andrew has been an active firefighter since he joined and he continues to excel.  Most of the time if he’s not the first one at the fire, he’s very close behind.  He’s a hard worker and well deserving of the award.

Dice was also honored as the department’s top responder for the past year, answering 275 calls.   The rest of the top five responders were Jake Heminover, Greg Miller, Bill Fulton, and Sarah Purcell.

2024 Annual Incident Report

The Salem Fire Protection District handled 324 fire and rescue alarms in 2024. The number us up 30 calls from the prior year. There was one civilian fire death.

The annual Fire Chief’s Report shows $919,350 in fire damage, with property saved totaling $4,833,250 equating to an 80.98 percent save rate.

The fire district responded to 19 vehicle fires, including both highway, off-road and farm equipment. Those fires resulted in over 34.5 percent of the fire loss.

The department responded to a total of 48 structure fires, either within the Salem Fire Protection District or in providing automatic or mutual aid to neighboring/regional fire districts and departments. This number is up approximately 25% over the past 5-year average. Additionally, the Fire District responded to 6 trash fires and 4 cooking fires. Highway rescues accounted for 30 calls which is down from the past two years. Highway rescues are commonly referred to as vehicle extrications and/or motor vehicle accident assists.

The Fire District mitigated 54 Hazardous Condition incidents which included gasoline spills, gas leaks, chemical spills, or downed power lines.

The Fire District extinguished 20 natural cover or grass fires during 2024.

The aggregate number of Salem Fire Protection District responses last year increased 27-percent over the past five-year average.

All Firefighters from the Salem Fire Protection District are mandated to participate in scheduled weekly training, as well as frequent weekend training exercises. This time is spent in both classroom and hands on training to create and maintain the skillset necessary to perform the fire/rescue tasks at the highest level. During 2024, Salem Fire Protection District firefighters participated in 4747 certified training hours. That is an average of 132 hours per man with many of the Firefighters significantly exceeding that number.


Fire Protection

The Salem Fire Protection District provides fire protection and suppression services to the nearly 12,000 residents of the district utilizing the following apparatus:

  • 4 - Class A Engines

  • 1 - 95’ Aerial Platform

  • 1 - Heavy Rescue

  • 5 - Brush / Utility Vehicles

Training & Squibb Training Center

The Salem Fire Protection District holds regular weekly training on Tuesday evenings and Friday mornings. Additionally, the SFPD has frequent opportunities for weekend training sponsored locally and in cooperation with the University of Illinois Fire Service Institute.

In 2024, SFPD firefighters participated in 4,747 certified training hours for an average of 132 hours per member.

The Squibb Training Center is located on Selmaville Road on the West side of the district.


Rescue, Extrication and Hazardous Materials

In addition to fire protection and suppression, the SFPD is trained in and performs vehicle extrication, hazardous material mitigation, grain bin, rope and other rescue services.


The heart and soul of the SFPD are the members, both past and present. The SFPD employs four full-time career Engineers. The Engineers staff the station, maintain the apparatus, equipment and station. The Engineers respond the first due apparatus to all calls. In addition to the Engineers, the SFPD employs more than 40 paid-on-call firefighters and officers. The Board of Trustees all have firefighting experience and worked their way up through the ranks to include Fire Chief and a former Illinois State Fire Marshal. Retired fire fighters, engineers and officers frequently stop by the fire station for a cup of coffee and to share an interesting lesson in firefighting lore.

Salem Illinois is located at the intersection of Interstate 57 and US Route 50. Salem is the county seat of Marion County Illinois. Salem is 60 miles East of St. Louis Missouri and 265 miles South of Chicago Illinois.